Share Your Thoughts And Let's Build Better Leaders

Research tells us 40% of new leaders fail in their first two years.

Part of that is because there isn’t a clear definition and pathway for the role.

Think about leadership as a concept.

Do you have a good working definition of what it means?

It’s a bit like couples who say they are ‘working on their relationship’.  What exactly are they doing?

Without clarity, how do we know what to work on and improve?


Add your voice and help us build better leaders

We have known for centuries that large groups of diverse people make better judgements than any individual.

I’m seeking to harness the wisdom of the crowds by gathering a wide range of diverse viewpoints on the topic of leadership.

What experience, insight, examples and lessons can you share?

As Waren Bennis said Leadership is hard to define, but you know it when you see it.  And I’m sure you’ve seen examples good and bad.

You can share your thoughts through:

  •  a 15 minute zoom call
  • a written questionnaire below
  • or recording your thoughts.

Rather A Quick chat?

If you prefer you can book in a quick 15 minute call for a quick chat to share your thoughts and experiences.

Book in when works for you below: